Our loyalty & reward tokens are created on the Stellar Blockchain.

Our loyalty and reward tokens are specifically designed to enhance your experience at our festivals and events. These tokens can only be redeemed for exclusive in-event benefits and our sole use for liquidity mining. Holders, acknowledge and agree that tokens are not intended for speculative purposes. Nor to be bought, sold, or held with the expectation of future profits. Holders assume all risk for misuse.

  • 72%

    Customers say loyalty programs make them stick to brands.

  • 60%

    Probability selling to existing customer.

  • 20%

    Probability selling to new customer.

Customer Loyalty Tokens

We host numerous festival throughout America since 2009. Payband utility tokens are used solely for in-event redemption of good and services.

  • Redeem tokens for in-event goods.
  • Transfer tokens to friends & family.
  • Low cost, fast vendor redemption.

Payband Customer Loyalty & Reward Tokens

Loyalty & Reward tokens are rewarded to customers who patronize our festival & events. Our loyalty & reward tokens utility may only be redeemed at our participating festival & events & have no further usage or valuation within our company.

Our loyalty & reward tokens allow customer redemptions for participating goods and services. Our application will pair our Paybands and use our POS proprietary software to start redeeming. Our loyalty & reward tokens may also be redeemed using any Stellar digital wallets for redemption of goods and services.

Disclosure Agreement

Our tokens are for customer use ONLY within our festival an events ecosystem and LUX Payband's sole use of liquidity mining. Holders acknowledge an agree, by holding and or using, to not utilize any of our tokens for any speculative expectation of future profits whatsoever and assume any and all risk for such usage. None of our tokens are US dollar equivalents nor substitutes; Supply is unlimited and created at will. Our tokens are given free for customer loyalty. Currently, redeemed for good or service at participating vendors and events. We forbid any and all speculating, buying or selling and or investing, any of our tokens.

LUX Payband White Paper arrow icon

Ticket purchased

  • Date April 1st
  • Event Name Concert
  • Quantity 1 Ticket
  • Total $30
  • Ticket Sent to Lux Payband

Concert purchases

  • In Event Use & Rewards



All Payband tokens may be accessed on all Stellar Wallets for in event usage.

Our tokens may be stored on all Stellar wallets. We do not recommend any wallet over another. In fact, we strongly recommend doing your own research selecting a wallet for use. We strongly recommend creating a wallet solely for your reward token usage.


Curated Festival & Events


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Lux Payband is a global network and community.
Join our social communities for discussions and stay connected.